And it's never too soon to start thinking about the holidays: the inlaws, stringing up the lights, getting trampled by 5am shopppers....no wait, in my world, make that 12pm shoppers. What the heck is 5am?

And it's never too soon to start thinking about the holidays: the inlaws, stringing up the lights, getting trampled by 5am shopppers....no wait, in my world, make that 12pm shoppers. What the heck is 5am?
Hokay, so, I'm a Marine Corps wife. My husband is a logistics embarkation specialist stationed out of Wyoming, PA. Currently, however, he is active duty at Cherry Point, NC where he is training for his deployment. Now that I have 7 months and no Marine to slobber over, I needed something to fill my time (besides the business, of course! Tee Hee) So I did a search for military-themed recipe cards and boxes....type, type, type, click......hello....Google, where's all the results? Yahoo? Jeeves?!....... Scary enough, there are none. Wipe the sweat kitty, I'm on top of it. So here's to you military wives (we rock! ::hair flip::) Here are cards that truly represent you.
(He sleeps with one eye open)