- 1 1/2'' pom pom (body)
- 1'' pom pom (head)
- 2 5/8'' pom poms (legs)
- 2 1/2'' pom poms (arms)
- 2 3/8'' pom poms (ears)
- black scrap of foam or felt
- 2 wiggle eyes
- tacky glue
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Night Night Teddy Bears
Friday, October 9, 2009
Feature Friday: Refreshed with Roses

Thank you so much for reading this week's Feature Friday. Next week, I'm going to be sharing something so near and dear to my heart, that you're not going to want to miss it: my late grandmother's Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. These are absolutely to die for....they're bananas! (Thank you Rachel Zoe for that phrase you should have copyrighted)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
How-To Bath Salts: Victorian Rose

- 1 cup Epsom salts
- Bowl
- Plastic spoon
- Eye dropper
- Glycerin (optional)
- Victoria Rose essential oil
- Red food coloring
Here's what to do:
Put 1 cup of Epsom salt (found at any store like Walmart or Rite Aide) in a bowl. Add about 4 drops of red food coloring. Mix well so that all the color blends into the salts. You should have a pink-ish color that looks something like the picture below.

The last touch is the essential oil. In this recipe, I'm using Victorian Rose, but you can use any essential oil that you like. I also like to use Pumpkin Spice, Lavendar, Vanilla and Sandalwood. I'm also infamous for mixing my essential oils too, which is a lot of fun. Ok, so add 3-5 drops of essential oils using an eye dropper and mix well.

Friday, October 2, 2009
Feature Friday: Disney World
And this is me eating my most favoritest dessert of all, the class mickey mouse ears....on a steek!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sale, Sale, Sale!!
And just in time too! Aunt Dottie's Pantry has an awesome sale going on right now in preparation for the holiday season. It's our FALL SALE! Get 10% off any order of $30 or more. Did you hear me?? 10% OFF ANY ORDER OF $30 OR MORE!
You can so much bang for your buck at ADP. As you know, we now have recipe card boxes. They are so adorable! You saw the camo box in a previous post, but here it is again.

Here are a few other recipe card boxes that are posted on our website that are just to die for!

(Pssst! Tell your friends!)
Halloween is also just around the corner. That's right boys and gouls (don't even act like you all didn't know that was coming). I've designed some really cute Halloween recipe cards that are great for fun, "just because" gifts. Aunt Dottie's prices are so out-of-this-world reasonable, it's hard not to give cute gifts like these.

I know you're simply dying (tee hee) to get your hands on these cards. Don't forget that you can email me anytime at rachel@auntdottiespantry.com if you have any questions or special requests. Thanks for reading! Have a fangtastic day!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Watch Out Hallmark!

And it's never too soon to start thinking about the holidays: the inlaws, stringing up the lights, getting trampled by 5am shopppers....no wait, in my world, make that 12pm shoppers. What the heck is 5am?

Friday, August 28, 2009
Feature Friday: Da Military
Hokay, so, I'm a Marine Corps wife. My husband is a logistics embarkation specialist stationed out of Wyoming, PA. Currently, however, he is active duty at Cherry Point, NC where he is training for his deployment. Now that I have 7 months and no Marine to slobber over, I needed something to fill my time (besides the business, of course! Tee Hee) So I did a search for military-themed recipe cards and boxes....type, type, type, click......hello....Google, where's all the results? Yahoo? Jeeves?!....... Scary enough, there are none. Wipe the sweat kitty, I'm on top of it. So here's to you military wives (we rock! ::hair flip::) Here are cards that truly represent you.

(He sleeps with one eye open)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Feature Friday: Pet-Themed Recipe Cards
This is personally, one of my favorite breeds of dog. I used to be a veterinary technician, and I can say that I've never met a vicious pug, and even if I did, I'd still love them, because that would be hilarious. They always have so much personality and charisma and I love that they walk around, with their little curly tails up in the air, acting clueless. They melt my heart every time I see them.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Aunt Dottie's Pantry Goes to the Blogs

turkey you got up at 5am to prepare.